The clinic is a leading Traditional Medical Practice in Ghana. Soafa Scientific Herbal Clinic (S.S.H.C) and Research Centre continue to expand in response to the growing health care needs of the people. There are branches at Akim-Oda ( in the eastern part of Ghana), Agona Swedru, Dunkwa-on -Offin, Somanya and Obuasi. The Clinic provides comprehensive health services and administer herbs to treat,cure and prevent ailments.Our locally made medicines are based on plants with no additives and pollutants. It is prepared and packaged under best herbal preparations and good Manufacturing Practices(G.M.P) and the guidelines of the country-Ghana.Our medicines have been approved and certified by the Centre for Scientific Research into Plant Medicine (C.S.R.I.P.M) at Mampong Akuapim-Ghana, the Food and Drugs Board and the Ghana Standards Board.